When I read the Story East of the Sun and West of the Moon I remembered a version of that story I had seen when I was younger. It was a movie we used to watch during the weekends with my mom. The movie is called the The Polar Bear King. There are a few differences but the story is pretty much the same. The movie took place in Two different lands. The land of North and the land of the South. The prince from the land of the South is turned into a Polar bear when he refuses the marry the Wicked sorceress. Only when he finds a woman who can love him as a beast will the spell be broken, but even when he finds her she is not allowed to look at him when he changes into his human at midnight. When he reaches the North he finds young girl who can speak with animals. They fall in love and he brings her to his kingdom in the South. As the young bride lives with her polar bear husband in the land of the South she begins to miss the cold and snow of the North. So one day her father sends her a small package with a snowball, so when ever she is homesick she can open the box and remember home. I wont give away the ending or what happens. I watched most of it on youtube, but the rest wasn't on there. Its a great story and I recommend watching it.
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