Monday, October 20, 2008

During the summer I worked in a day care and became pretty familiar with children and what they like to read. It seemed like no matter what I did they never tired of the same book over and over. Their favorite book was a small princess book that was full of little pictures with small pieces of fabric they could touch. It was amazing to see how many times a day they could read that book without getting board.
When we were given the assignment to find out the difference between a child and nature I remembered a time when I was at the day care and a few of the little boys were telling each other what they wanted to do when they grew up. A few said the predictable answer of firemen and policeman but a couple said they wanted to be tractors and dinosaurs. I think that is one major difference between adults and children. Children are still Innocent to imagine themselves as being something like a tractor and a dinosaur.

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